
Data Science

Requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Data Science

Typically, a student who intends to major in data science will start with MAT 109, Statistics, as well as computer science with CSI 111. However, a student who has received advanced placement credit for statistics or computer science may start at a higher level and is encouraged to consult with the department chair to make such arrangements. The major in data science consists of the senior capstone plus a minimum of twelve courses: nine core courses, and three electives.

1. Nine Foundational Classes

MAT 109 Statistical Inference & Data Analysis
MAT 209 Statistical Inference & Data Analysis II
MAT/CSI 240 Discrete Mathematics
MAT 280 Linear Algebra -or - MAT/CSI 370 Operations Research
CSI 111 Computer Science I
MAT/CSI 220 Data Science
MAT/CSI 360 Machine Learning
CSI 310 Database Systems
CSI 450 Data Ethics and Practicum

2. Three Electives Chosen from the list below:

MAT/CSI 370 Operations Research (if not counted in the core above)
MAT 280 Linear Algebra (if not counted in the core above)
MAT 320 Probability
CSI 112 Computer Science II
ECN 320 Econometrics
ENV 211 Intermediate GIS
PHY 252 Scientific modeling and data analysis
CSI 380 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
BUS 357 Quantitative Finance
CSI 420 Artificial Intelligence
PHL 310 Philosophy of Science
SOC 306 Research methods in Sociology
Or any other course approved by the department chair.

3. A Senior Capstone,

A Senior Capstone consisting of a written project that combines data science and disciplinary domain expertise.

Requirements for the Minor in Data Science

The data science minor consists of:

1. Six core courses

MAT 109 Statistical Inference & Data Analysis
MAT 209 Statistical Inference & Data Analysis II - or - CSI 360 Machine Learning 
MAT/CSI 240 Discrete Mathematics - or - MAT 280 Linear Algebra - or - MAT/CSI 370 Operations Research
CSI 111 Computer Science I
CSI 220 Data Science
CSI 310 Database Systems

2. Two electives that count for the major that may include foundational and core courses.


Gabe Feinberg

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

Gabe Feinberg

Co-chair, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; Associate Professor of Mathematics


Emerald Andrews

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

Emerald Andrews

Co-chair, department of Mathematics and Computer Science; Associate Professor of Mathematics